Dealing With Life By Dumping Inches

Every girl has that moment when her life is:

a) Falling apart
b) Way too stressfull
c) Getting out of hand
d) Just ridiculously ridiculous
and you get to that point where randomly during the middle of a conversation about homework with a friend you randomly blurt out, “I’M CUTTING MY HAIR. All of it. Forever.”

Whether you decide to actually do it or not is dependent on the day, how stressed/upset/tired/angry/hungry you are, but for other adult-ish ladies at that mental point in their lives trying to figure out if a stress snip is worth it, I present to you a list of pros for each side of the debate that I made before deciding I needed to get rid of a couple of inches…instead of figuring out my life. And I can tell you, personally, I feel so much less weight on my shoulders. And I mean the things I was worried about are kind of still around, but, at least I look fabulous worrying about them.

Long hair:
•  Cute, messy buns on top of your head
•  Side ponytails (80s style)
•  Hair flipping (especially nervous hair flipping)
•  Looking sexy on top during sexytime (see above)
•  More likely to be an American Apparel model

Short hair:
•  Look cute constantly
•  Itty bitty buns
•  More room for neck kisses
•  Shorter hairs sticking on the shower walls
•  Not looking like 325 other girls on your college campus with wannabe American Apparel hairdos


Being Alone


As much as colleges seem to tell its students how individual they are, how important their personalities and qualities are, it also gives the impression that should you choose to keep your individual to yourself, you’re just being selfish.

“Join this club!”

“This club needs you!”

“Be a member of this club or else you’re lame and have no purpose and no one will hire you for a job ever.”

How contradictory.

I like being alone. A lot. Not that I want to be alone forever – I’ve experienced days upon days (upon weeks) of alone-ness and if not carefully executed/monitored, alone-ness can turn into loneliness, and that’s a detrimental island.
But, back home I’d beg my mother to let me run an errand for her just so I could drive to the store by myself sometimes. Even a drive to Costco and back was enough to make me happy. And living on my own in Phoenix has shown me the comfort in being alone as well: walking here and there, running errands, shopping alone, people-watching alone. It calms me.

To be alone: “having no one else present; on one’s own”. That’s important, I’ve come to realize. It’s vital, even.

My freshman year of college I had a roommate mix-up at the start of the year and for the first half of the semester I had no roommate. My new friends asked, “Don’t you get lonely?” or “Don’t you want someone to talk to?” But the answers were always no. I had them, after all. I hung out with them, ate with them, laughed with them. But when I went back to my room, it was like my sanctuary. And I can’t wait for that sanctuary to come again. To walk into a place that was waiting for you to come back, just you. Maybe pat a dog’s head on the way in, cook myself dinner, pour myself a glass of wine and just be.

We’re surrounded by people every day – people we know, people we don’t. We fake smile at tens of people every day, tell people, “I’m great! How are you?” on our crappiest of days. We clothespin smiles to our faces every day. Then go out into the world and throw our energies at people, constantly, as we listen to them, or talk to them, work with them, smile at them. We wade through people all day. But when you can be alone, you can finally take those clothespins off your cheeks. You can smile for real, or frown if you want to. You can sigh, you can cry, you can scream. You can breathe. It’s just you and yourself. You’re the focus when you’re alone. No more pandering to others or putting on a front. It’s about you.

Being alone is necessary. And it’s okay to be alone or to want to be. Sometimes I’d feel weird about liking the idea of being by myself because college bombards you with pictures of friends hanging out, walking in pairs. Everyone (or what seems like everyone) is going to parties and if they aren’t, they’re always doing something, being movers and shakers. And all that is fun and and should be taken advantage of and it has its place. But so does being with yourself. It’s then that you listen to what’s in your own head. Too much time around others can drown out who you are. It’s in the silence that you acquaint yourself with yourself.

My favorite thing about parties (next to a few other things…) was being a tad bit intoxicated, but putting my key in my apartment door, locking it behind me, then walking to my room, closing the door, and laying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. There, while the remnants of my time with others fades, the memories will play in my head, but I don’t have to talk about them; there’s no more buzzing in my ears. I could just close my eyes and be, feel the moment, feel the sheets, feel myself with no one else present, but me.

FMFGR (For My Future Grown-Up Reference): A Decorating Post

As cute as my graduation cap hanging off a nail on my wall may be, I realize that I won’t be a college kid forever and should probably pick up some decorating tips for when I’m living in my own place like a grown-up. I love the modern look of this kitchen (which happens to be found in a house built in the 70s), the pop of color, and (obviously) the kitschy dish towel.

I thought I’d bookmark Stacie Bloomfield’s house on my blog to give me a few inspiration ideas for the big move (in like 85 years). Look out for other decor inspiration posts I’ll put up in the future and check out the rest of Stacie’s home pics in the link at the end of the post. If you love chalkboard walls and color, you’ll dig this house!

To the Brothers of Tau Kappa Epsilon

Sigh. You want to tell yourself that we’re making progress, that things are getting better. But sometimes, you have to be honest, and take an honest look at the world.

This is a letter written by an amazingly talented, wise, and intelligent man that I’m proud to say that I know personally. Take the read. It’s worth it.


To the Brothers of Tau Kappa Epsilon,

My name is Ja’han Jones and I serve as the President of the African American Men of Arizona State University. Admittedly, I write this letter with regret, for surely, a man hopes to come in contact with another man only for purposes of solidarity, unity, and love. Having been made aware, however, of your most recent egregious act of denigration toward the African American community, I find myself in your mailbox—on your computer screen, perhaps—for purposes much less fortunate. I write, now, with no intent to reprimand, or defame, or scold, but to ask with the utmost sincerity: Why?

On the campus of Arizona State University exists an abundance of student-led organizations, each—with every act—etching its own legacy into the very concrete upon which we walk. The legacy of the African American Men of Arizona State University is one from which my constituents…

View original post 384 more words

Sweet Sixteen?

I spent my sixteenth birthday waiting for my sister to drive from New York to New Jersey so that we could go to Applebee’s for my birthday. When my family (the mother, the father, the sister, her husband, and her two lovely children) got to the restaurant and ate, I hoped for a cake but got a dessert shooter – a shot glass with 1/4 cheesecake and 3/4 whipped cream with a cherry on top. Not even a candle.

I got a card with a singing hamster on it, so that was an upside.

I’ve expected a lot less after that.

inspired by this prompt


Seeing Red: A Wine Post

As someone who was raised by parents who’s idea of a special meal beverage was Martenelli’s Sparkling Apple Cider, it’s safe to say I had to develop my taste for wine elsewhere. Luckily for me, I knew a few wine lovers who could point me in the right direction. The friend I happen to live with had a taste for white wine and so, I did too, by association. I loved the crisp, citrusy tastes of them, the lightness, the kisses of flavor and I became familiar with them. Moscatos, Rieslings, Chardonnays. When I was finally able to bring my new-found love of wine into the public at 21, white is what I always ordered.

But recently…don’t tell my beloved white wines…I’ve been having an affair with red wine.

It all started at a family gathering with my boyfriend’s family, most of whom love red wine. I remember the first time I went over to the wine table and looked at all the bottles. “Not a white in sight?” I thought. “What am I supposed to drink?” Not wanting to look “unclassy” (not to mention, still being in the stage where I desperately want my boyfriend’s family to like me) I grab a cute, little, stemless red wine glass and choose a wine to try because, quote, “Its label looks cool.” (I can literally hear the rolling of a thousand oenophiles’ eyes.)


I picked up the bottle of Gnarly Head and poured it into my little glass then took a sip and bam. Punched in the face with flavor. And I liked it. The flavor is full and bold and has character. After my first sip I struggled to stay classy and not look like I’ve never tasted something so wonderful before. I think I nailed it by taking small, but frequent and eager sips. And afterwards I believe I’ve found my new favorite red wine, adorably enough, my very first red wine. How high school.

A few months later, at Christmas, my boyfriend’s family brings along, again, their favorite red wines to share along with their Christmas wishes. As I mosey around the wine counter I see this beauty (again, I’m a sucker for labels):

ImageI like the look of it so I pour a glass. Even before the elixir hits my lips I take in its warm aroma. Once I swallow a sip I feel the warmth radiate through me. Is it possible to fall in love with a wine at first sip? Yes. I know, because I did. Another bold red has stolen my heart, my new favorite.

But it might have some competition since I’ve recently met D’Aquino Chianti.

ImagePurchased by, you guessed it, my boyfriend’s mother to share with on an evening in along with pasta for me and meatball subs for her sons, served with a side of human flesh (ha ha ha, a Hannibal Lecter-Chianti joke, how original). But I was eager to try it, already in love with the presentation, it’s straw wrapping quaint and nostalgic, cute even. I took a sip and was tickled by its touch of sweetness and found comfort in its lightness. My first glass was gone in almost a flash. I tried to be classier with the second glass. And I waited for my boyfriend’s mother to leave before sneaking my third. Classy.

All in all, look out white wines. Looks like the reds are what my heart seems to be going for these days: the boldness, the warmth, the character, and frankly, the downright sexiness of them. White wines say fun but the reds say mystery and class. And fun (after three glasses). But I’m sure my taste buds (and liver) can make room to love both. Besides, I have plenty more sipping to do.

Tell me what some of your favorite wines are!

Up All Night


I always seem to find myself awake too late at night: 1 a.m., 2 a.m., wide awake with my cogs turning, churning up thoughts about what I have to do the next day, what I didn’t do today, what I should have done, what I should be doing…(Some people might call that anxiety but I don’t have the money for a therapist so I’ll just call it something else.)

As I lay in bed now I’m starting to think that all this thinking is actually pining – pining for feeling something new before bed.

I can’t wait until I can put my head on a pillow and think, “Tomorrow’s going to be great.” Actually, considering the fact that I’m kind of a pessimist, I guess I can’t wait until I can put my head on a pillow and think, “Tomorrow won’t be awful,” which is almost a step in the direction I’d like to be going in, but I digress. What I’m trying to get at is I can’t wait until I can feel good about my next-days. I’m tired of dreading pulling myself out of bed to trudge to classes I don’t want to be in then trudge back to my apartment to stare at different textbooks for hours at a time while opening and closing Facebook to see that nothing’s changed since the last time I looked and I should probably be getting more work done.

I guess I’m just so ready to be doing the things I want to do. People tell you that being a college student is you paving your path to the rest of your life. But honestly, it feels like being a college student is you pining for the rest of your life. And not even the work/job/occupation part. Just, literally. Life.

My roommate and I often gripe that we can’t wait to be done with school because our time will finally be ours. OURS. What a concept. That we could go to work for 8 or so hours then come home and read a book, or go for a run, or sit in a goddamn chair for four hours, who cares. It’s OUR time. Everyone says you have so much freedom in college, so much time, but when you think about it: not really. I may have put my own schedule together but someone else told me which pieces were available for me to move around. And those pieces all need attention, hours of attention. My classes are like my children – they all want this and that and to do these things and those things and I’m laying in bed with the lights off, nursing a headache thinking, “Mommy needs, like, five minutes…” By the time I give them all the attention they feed off of, I’m so tired I couldn’t lift the TV remote if I wanted to. And you can’t get rid of them, due to a few legal reasons, not to mention the idea of your mother asking, “I haven’t seen any sign of your kids lately,” while you hum loudly to yourself and pretend you can’t hear her.

All I’m saying is I’m ready for Mommy time.
Okay, this analogy has gotten strange. Me time. Me. I’m ready to stop pining for better tomorrows and start having them because they’re filled with things I can’t wait to do. And don’t think me naive: I know I’ll still have to do a few things I’m not thrilled about, hell, we all do. But the opportunity for more is there. And I’m ready to go to bed and be excited about that opportunity: whether I’ve taken advantage of it or I’ve found another that I’ll be able to. The door is open. And I’m ready to stop having my thoughts keep me up until 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. because I’d rather be up late to postpone my monotonous tomorrow full of boring lectures and reading dry texts. I just want to do things for me that make me happy, give me new experiences and I want to have time for those things without feeling guilty, neglectful, or regretful about doing them. I want to feel good about the day to come, finally and put my head on the pillow at night and say, “I did this today and that was good and tomorrow will be good too because I’ve got the chance to make it good.” Then I’ll probably think, “That isn’t exactly poetic, but it’s comforting,” then close my eyes, settle in and snooze.

Indecisions, indecisions

When I was in middle school, I could never quite pick a screenname for my AIM account. There were too many options: “Should I make a screenname about my tomboyishness? Tomboygrrl18? Or a screenname about the music I like: greendaydarling92? Wait! People should probably know that it’s me their talking to, so, maybe something more obvious? Frenchiegurl98? There were so many aspects of myself I wanted to express and I just couldn’t pick which one. My solution, much to the confusion and undoubtful annoyance of my friends, was to make each account and have three screennames. Too bad life doesn’t work that way.

I feel like college is difficult for me because I have so many interests and care about so many different things. I want to be creative and think of funny slogans for commercials, but I also want to work with dogs, but I also want to help troubled kids, but I also want to plan parties for fancy businessmen, but I also want to…(see where I’m going here?) 

Everyone seems to have a focus. Sure they have interests outside that focus, but they’re attention is pinpointed on that one thing that they want to do. But me? I’m all over the place. And it puts me in a position where I’m constantly dissatisfied because what I want is constantly changing. The middle schooler in me just can’t seem to settle on a thing. 

Maybe that’s why I’m so ready to be done with college. I’m ready to open the doors and look around and window shop. Apply here, apply there, get this job, volunteer here. I’m ready to stop being bored and start finding the things that will satisfy my need to be all over the place and give myself to multiple places and causes that will make me happy. And maybe being all over the place won’t be so bad after all.